NEER Development Conference 2019
Thirty-nine academics and agency personnel participated in the NEER Development Conference on August 5-6, 2019 at the Virginia Tech Executive Briefing Center in Arlington, Virginia to collaborate on developing a framework for the NEER Association.
The goal of the workshop was to develop a strategic plan, organizational structure, and deployment protocols for the NEER Association. The policies and guidelines were built off the framework of existing rapid response networks (GEER, StEER, SSEEER, and iSEER), but the conference attendees considered modifications for pre-event deployment of interdisciplinary teams.
Participants: Alexandria Boehm (Stanford U.), Jenna Brown (USGS), Qin Chen (Northeastern U.), Tim Cockerill (U. Texas TACC, DesignSafe-CI), Greg Dusek (NOAA), Steve Elgar (WHOI), Diane Foster (UNH), David Frost (GA Tech, GEER), Sally Hacker (OSU), James Heiss (U Mass Lowell), Navid Jafari (LSU), Victoria Johnson (USNA), Tracy Kjiewski-Correa (Notre Dame, StEER), Joseph Long (UNC Wilmington), Mark Merrifield (SIO), Kent Messer (U Del), Holly Michael (U Del), Laura Moore (UNC Chapel Hill), Melissa Moulton (UW-APL), Amy Mueller (Northeastern U.), Mara Orescanin (NPS), Lori Peek (U Colorado, CONVERGE, iSEEER, SSEER), Stephanie Smallegan (South Alabama U.), Nina Stark (VA Tech), Hilary Stockdon (USGS), Aron Stubbins (Northeastern U.), Sergey Vinogradov (NOAA), Ping Wang (USF), Anna Wargula (USNA), Joseph Wartman (UW, RAPID-EF), Meagan Wengrove (OSU), Neil Weston (NOAA), Lindsey Williams (MIT), Alicia Wilson (U. South Carolina), Gabrielle Wong-Parodi (Stanford U.), Julie Zinnert (VCU)